From | Monday 9 September 2019
Energy companies leading Zero Carbon Humber campaign alongside the Humber LEP and Catch.

The Humber’s ambition to lead the UK’s industrial transformation to a net zero carbon economy has been ignited with a major campaign launch to win government support.
A 2040 target was revealed by key stakeholders in the Energy Estuary earlier this summer, days ahead of former Prime Minister Theresa May putting a 2050 target in law.
Now the cluster – the most carbon intensive industrial region in the UK – is rolling out a major push.
Those behind it say achieving the goal will help to protect jobs within major industrial and manufacturing industries across the region, while encouraging future global investment from those keen to be part of a world-first.
Industrial businesses are being invited to add their support to the campaign and help shape the plans for the region, already home to the explosion of large scale renewable energy in the form of offshore wind.
Lord Haskins, chair of the Humber LEP, said: "If we can achieve this goal of becoming carbon-neutral on the Humber, it would make us a brilliant example not just for the rest of the country, but the rest of the world."
Read the full story here.