From | Tuesday 10 September 2019
Business solutions provider and support specialist is in the running for Best Place To Work in IT category.

Hull firm HBP Systems has been recognised in two categories in one of the UK's largest business technology awards.
The business solutions provider and support specialist is in the running for Best Place To Work in IT at the UK IT Industry Awards.
And operations director Tony Pearson has been singled out for a Personal Excellence Award. Just one of four finalists, Tony is shortlisted for the Operational Leader of the Year category.
Managing director Joanne Dixon said: "This is a huge honour, especially as my company strategies over the last few years have heavily focused on employee wellbeing and making HBP the best place to work it could possibly be for my team.”
Tony joined HBP in 1998 as an installations engineer. He has been operations director since 2007.
He is responsible for company strategy, managing all IT departments and maintaining high levels of customer service. Aan example of Tony’s significant contributions and operational success includes HBP’s 12-year Microsoft Gold Partner status.
Tony said: “Shocked as no one even told me I was being entered. The first I knew of it was when the finalists came out.”
The ceremony will take place in London on Wednesday 13 November.