From | Tuesday 8 December 2020
Local authority wins Sustainability project of the year at the UK Housing Awards for its Decarbonisation/Energy Efficiency Programme.

Hull City Council has won a prestigious housing award for its delivery of sustainable homes.
The local authority won Sustainability project of the year at the UK Housing Awards for its Decarbonisation/Energy Efficiency Programme.
The award recognises the council’s unique targeted approach to reducing fuel poverty and tackling climate change through its decarbonisation agenda as the council targeted some of the worst-performing properties in the city.
Along with funding partner npower, the council worked together to deliver integrated packages of energy efficiency measures, benefits and advice residents, delivered and co-ordinated by the Warm Homes Team. The partnership has enabled social and private sector programmes to be effectively delivered as parallel schemes, monitored and co-ordinated by the Warm Homes Team.
More than 40,000 measures have been installed, resulting in £6 million in annual collective savings to residents.
Councillor John Black, Hull City Council’s portfolio holder for housing, said: “We are delighted to have been recognised for this prestigious award.
“The council recognised the improvement of energy efficiency as crucial to address affordable warmth, fuel poverty and to support the decarbonisation agenda.
“This award proves that the measures put in place across the city are really resulting in a better quality of life, better quality housing and more money into the local economy.”
The council received a highly commended in the Neighbourhood transformation category, for its Preston Road Regeneration with development partners Strata, Keepmoat Homes and Home Group, and in the Landlord of the year category.