BY Lucy Bannister | Wednesday 23 February 2022

The new ‘Festival of Green Innovation’ will showcase the region's leading low-carbon business innovations.
The stage is set for the Humber region’s ‘Festival of Green Innovation’ to celebrate the estuary’s progress as a world-leader in low-carbon technology.
The festival, delivered by Aura and the University of Hull, is being held at the Aura Innovation Centre (AIC) at Hessle’s Bridgehead Business Park.
The festival will showcase how the Aura team are supporting low-carbon business innovation and working with the region’s SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) to reduce their carbon emissions.
It is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and led by the University of Hull.
Louise Smith, Director at Aura, will open the Festival, hosted by BBC Radio Humberside Breakfast Show presenter Kofi Smiles.
She said: “The Festival will put innovation on centre stage, and allow us to celebrate the region’s SMEs who are developing the extraordinary new technologies to reduce their carbon emissions and spearhead the drive to Net Zero.
“The Net Zero journey involves everyone, and that is why collaboration is so important. For the Humber region and the UK to achieve our ambitious carbon targets, we must all play our part.”
The Festival of Green Innovation was first hosted last year, with former Siemens UK CEO Juergen Maier appearing as a speaker in the line-up.
This year, in the festival spirit, it is an in-person and interactive event with some fun thrown in. Guests will travel through four innovation stations to discover how, by working with us, businesses have been innovating in low carbon.
The Stations
Station one will show where projects come to life behind the scenes, showcase knowledge exchange, experiments, testing, research and links to academia and business.
At station two, guests will discover how businesses across the Humber region are innovating and driving change – highlighting projects in caravan manufacturing and farming.
Station three will take participants on a journey through time to see an evolution of technology in music.
Station four gives guests the chance to get hands-on with the technology that’s helping drive the fight against climate change.
The 2022 ‘Festival of Green Innovation’ takes place Wednesday 2 March. It is open to the public and free to attend.
Tickets are limited - to book, and for more details, visit