BY Shannon Colton | Tuesday 27 November 2018

The next phase of Hull City Council’s ambitious, city-wide housing regeneration programme offers exciting prospects for small businesses and sole traders in the construction industry and its supply chain. In addition to development continuing at some of the city’s larger sites, such as Ings, Wawne Road and Preston Road, the Council will shortly be releasing smaller sites at locations across the city.
So that local businesses can learn more about the openings available, Hull City Council is hosting a drop-in session at the DoubleTree Hilton, Ferensway in Hull on Tuesday 27 November from 4 – 8pm. As well as representatives from the Council, developers and business support agencies will be on hand in the exhibition area to discuss forthcoming opportunities. From 5.30 there is short seminar chaired by Councillor John Black, the Council’s Portfolio Holder or Housing with keynote speakers including Lord Haskins, Chair of the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership. Subjects to be covered include:
- Housing development within the Hull’s Local Plan
- Housing regeneration, growth and opportunities
- Business support and development
Attendance at the event is free and people can book tickets at or drop-in on the day.
Encouraging local trades people to attend Building Homes in Hull, Cllr Black says, “Our city-wide housing regeneration programme is breathing new life into communities in Hull and we want local tradespeople to be part of this achievement. As well as bidding for contracts at the smaller development sites which are coming on stream, there will be opportunities for plasterers, scaffolders, electricians, plumbers and other building trades with the larger established developers in the city, all of whom must meet local labour targets for their work force.”