From | Tuesday 7 January 2020
New store near A63 into Hull to stock more than 2,000 products including safety equipment, footwear and workwear.

UK safety firm Arco is relocating its Hull store to new premises.
The new store, located near the main route on the A63 into Hull, is set to stock over 2,000 of Arco’s products and offer popular names in safety equipment, footwear and workwear.
Located off the A1166, Brighton Street roundabout, the new store on the Link 63 industrial park is located next to other businesses such as Yesss Electrical, Screwfix, Toolstation, Asda and Lidl supermarkets.
Head of retail at Arco, Paul Frewin, said: “The new Hull store will offer customers the best possible selection of products and services with our own in store experts available to offer advice and training."
Read the full story here.