From | Wednesday 24 April 2019
Hull City Council approves proposals to bring a mixture of modern residential and mixed-use spaces to the city centre.

Plans to transform 12 key development sites in the city centre have moved a step closer.
Hull City Council’s Cabinet has approved the proposals that would bring a mixture of modern residential and mixed-use spaces to the city centre.
An exhibition outlining the vision took place at Hull’s Trinity Market in October.
The plans include investment opportunities on the east and west banks of the River Hull, Hull Marina and the £130 million Albion Square development in the heart of the city.
Humber Street in the Fruit Market.
The proposals were drawn up following extensive consultation with residents, taking into account an understanding of the local market.
Alex Codd, assistant director for economic development and regeneration, said: “The consultation was extremely well received with more than 500 responses from across the city. It has been endorsed positively by Cabinet and we will be working with developers to enable sites going forward.”
Now that the plans have been approved by Cabinet, comments from the consultation will be available to view on the council’s website.
After a final date for comments has passed on 3 June 2019, the guidance will be put forward for adoption and then published.
See how the sites could look here.