From | Friday 9 October 2020
Challenge issued by Adam Corbally ahead of Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020 from Monday 16 November to Sunday 22 November.

Young entrepreneurs in Hull are being urged to pitch their enterprising ideas to a TV business expert for a chance to win a year of mentorship and up to £1,000.
Businesspeople aged from 16 to 29 can submit a two-minute video about their business idea to former BBC’s The Apprentice contestant Adam Corbally, patron of Hull's Making Changes for Careers programme.
The winner will receive a cash grant of up to £1,000 from the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank and be mentored by Adam for at least a year.
The competition is open to people in the Hull, East Riding and Ryedale regions.
The challenge has been issued by Adam in the video below ahead of Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020, which takes place from Monday 16 November to Sunday 22 November.
Adam said: “This is your big opportunity to be somebody who makes things happen. I want to hear from you and I want to hear all about your big business idea.
“You can put together a two-minute video pitch and send it over to me. Make it short, snappy, straight to the point. Tell me all about your business idea, why it is going to be fantastic and why you are the best driving force behind that idea.
“The winner is going to receive a 12-month mentorship with myself. We are going to be in regular contact, I am going to help you with evens single aspect of your business that I can and I am going to pass on my wealth of business knowledge to you to help you as much as I can to make the business a success. And you could win up to £1,000 cash grant. This is an unbelievable opportunity. Be somebody that makes things happen.”
Send two-minute videos to by Wednesday 18 November.
Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020 in the Hull area will end with a virtual Hull and East Riding Youth Enterprise Awards on Friday 20 November, sponsored by the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank and Hull City Council, when the winners in 12 enterprising categories will be announced.
For more details, follow @MCFCinHull and @JCYEB_Hull on Twitter.