From | Monday 19 April 2021
Hull City Council is an approved intermediary for the Government’s national Kickstart Scheme, which creates fully funded six-month placements for 25 hours per week.

Hull’s new Employment Hub is off to a flying start after helping hundreds of young people into potential new careers.
Hull City Council is an approved intermediary for the Government’s national Kickstart Scheme, which creates fully funded six-month placements for 25 hours per week.
The scheme, run by the Employment Inclusion Team in the Employment Hub on the first floor of Hull Central Library, was launched in the city in November. It offers paid roles in a range of sectors such as design and engineering, administration and retail for people aged 16 to 24.
It has already seen 346 young people approved for external places.
Through the Kickstart Scheme, the Employment Hub is now supporting more than 100 businesses in the city to offer hundreds of life-changing career opportunities for those struggling to find work in the Covid pandemic. Hull City Council is among the organisations offering roles as part of the scheme, with 35 placements approved and 12 young people already in placements with the local authority.
Alex Codd, Hull City Council’s assistant director of economic development and regeneration, said: “The Kickstart Scheme really can make a difference to the lives of young people who may have struggled to find a way into employment for many reasons. Young people who are given places on the scheme will earn invaluable experience that could lead to full-time roles, which could then turn into rewarding careers. The businesses are given full funding and expert support for these placements.
“Those eligible can access six-month placements that guarantee a minimum of 25 hours per week of work paid at the national minimum wage. The Government fully funds the cost of the placement for the business.
“The Employment Hub is supporting more than 400 jobseekers in Hull to improve skills such as CV writing, interview tips and techniques, understanding skills required in roles and transferable skills. It is also offering support to businesses with job vacancies and volunteering opportunities.
“Hull City Council’s Employment Hub does wonderful work to advise young people on how to develop and enhance skills to remove barriers into education, training and the workplace.”
The Employment Hub is part-funded by Department for Work and Pensions with the support of the local Job Centre Plus team.
To learn more about the Employment Hub and employability support, email Businesses which can offer work placements for the Kickstart Scheme should email