From | Wednesday 12 February 2020
Proposals include request to Government to confirm funding for the A63 Castle Street upgrade.

A raft of innovative new measures to help build momentum in the region’s economy have been included in the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership's (LEP) budget representations to the Government.
The LEP's package of proposals included requesting that the Government confirm funding for the A63 Castle Street upgrade in Hull.
The LEP has also asked for commitment to the Energy Estuary 2.0 Strength in Places Fund bid led by the University of Hull.
The opportunities and projects chosen all complement the LEP’s aims of its upcoming Industrial Strategy - accelerating clean growth, developing the Humber ports and manufacturing clusters and expanding the region’s knowledge economy.
A commitment to the A63 Castle Street upgrade could see improved access to the Port of Hull and would help relieve congestion in the city.
The Energy Estuary 2.0 Strength in Places Fund bid led by the University of Hull would expand internationally significant energy research already taking place in our area.
The LEP also recommends that funding is provided for a feasibility study into the Lagoon Hull project, asks that tolls on estuarial crossings like the Humber Bridge are reviewed as the Bridge celebrates its 40th birthday and lodged the region’s interest in establishing a Freeport to encourage new manufacturing activity, building on the legacy of its Enterprise Zone.
Lord Haskins, Chair of the Humber LEP, said: “This is an exciting time for the Humber and there are many innovative projects being developed across the region that we hope the Government will put its support behind.
Through the development of our Industrial Strategy we have a clear plan for the future of the Humber economy and through consultation with our partners we know exactly what we need to put in place to achieve this.
“Our budget representation to the Government clearly sets out measures that would support economic growth and regeneration across all areas of our region, whether large-scale infrastructure projects such as the A63 upgrade, or measures to help important industries such as the issue of vehicle excise duty on motorhomes or changing the way business rates are implemented to encourage more development.”
See a full list of recommendations here.