From | Monday 4 November 2019
Ambitious plan aims to put the Humber region at the forefront of addressing climate change while maintaining economic growth.

A vision for vision for clean growth in the Humber region has been set out ahead of a major energy conference in Hull.
The Humber Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has set out its ambitious plan, which aims to put the Humber region - the UK's Energy Estuary - at the forefront of what LEP Chair Lord Haskins called “the biggest global question today”: addressing climate change while maintaining economic growth.
The plan has been released comes as hundreds of business, academic and political leaders from across the North of England prepare to visit the region for the Energy and Clean Growth in the Northern Powerhouse conference taking place in Hull tomorrow and Wednesday.
The Humber Clean Growth Local White Paper confirms the region’s ambition to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040, which had been proposed in the consultation the LEP launched at its annual business summit in June. Currently the Humber has the highest carbon emissions of any UK industrial cluster.
Find a list of some of the commitments included in the paper here.
Lord Haskins, Chair of the Humber LEP, said: “The biggest global question today is how to address climate change while maintaining economic growth. The Humber is essential to the UK’s transition to a net zero carbon economy.
“Our region is already at the forefront of delivering clean electricity, with the largest offshore wind farm in the world under construction, and in future should be a leader in developing and deploying decarbonisation solutions across industry, transport and homes."
Councillor Stephen Brady, Leader of Hull City Council, said: “This region faces a growing threat from climate change, with the second-highest threat of flood risk in the country. We also have a large cluster of energy-intensive industries that are vital to the UK economy, which we are working with to transition to a low-carbon future.
“In Hull, we have identified climate change as a key challenge and have set ambitious targets through the declaration of a climate emergency in March this year and a commitment to become carbon-neutral by 2030.
“The Living with Water Partnership focused around flooding and water shortage and the growth of offshore wind power and Siemens Gamesa blade factory show we are already meeting the challenge to create a low-carbon future in the city. Decarbonisation provides a big economic opportunity for the region as lower-carbon sectors are growing at a faster rate than other areas. This is good news for the Humber as the UK’s Energy Estuary and a key piece of the UK’s world-leading offshore wind sector.”