From | Wednesday 30 September 2020
Bakery company with outlet in Amsterdam Road ranked 155th in the Sunday Times PwC Top Track 250.

A Hull cake and dessert manufacturer has been named as one of UK’s leading mid-market businesses by The Sunday Times.
BBF Limited, formerly Bright Blue Foods, which has a bakery in Amsterdam Road, was ranked 155th in the Sunday Times PwC Top Track 250.
After doubling sales over the past two years, the manufacturer, which is based in Blackburn, Lancashire, was on a significant pre-pandemic growth trajectory.
Jonathan Lill, CEO of BBF, said: “While there’s no doubt the events of recent months have been challenging across the board, the food industry has proven incredibly resilient.
“Thanks to our amazing team, which has worked incredibly hard in responding to ever evolving consumer buying habits, while also meeting increased customer demand, we have been very flexible to adapt to these trying times.”
Throughout the pandemic, BBF has remained committed to supporting various charitable entities, including the NHS, to which it donated 25,000 cakes to hospitals across Blackburn, Bradford and Hull.
The Sunday Times PwC Top Track 250 list was released in The Sunday Times on Sunday 27 September, while the national 16th annual Top Track 250 awards will be held as a virtual event on Tuesday 17 November.