From | Wednesday 15 May 2019
Businesses in the city spent £25m on R&D in a year according to HMRC.

Hull is now Yorkshire's most innovative city.
The city has a higher percentage of businesses spending money on research and development (R&D) projects than anywhere else in the UK, according to new figures.
Businesses in the city spent £25m on R&D in a year according to HMRC, it has been reported.
Companies in Hull were the most successful in receiving vital tax support for R&D programmes, with Hull and East Yorkshire businesses spending £55 million on R&D in a year.
Hull companies made 105 claims for R&D tax credits in the period – with a higher percentage accepted than anywhere else in Yorkshire.
It comes as Hull firm RB prepares to open its £105 million R&D centre next month.

How RB’s Centre for Scientific Excellence will look.
The Centre for Scientific Excellence in Dansom Lane, Hull, is the consumer health giant’s single biggest investment in its history.
Plans for the new facility first surfaced in 2014, when then-Chancellor George Osborne said the centre would help the UK become “a world leader in science and innovation”.