From | Monday 15 October 2018

Hull City Council is continuing to invest millions of pounds as part of its capital investment programme which is regenerating the city’s economy, securing lasting benefits for the people of Hull and the region.
multi-million programme, which helped reinvigorate the city for its year in the
spotlight as City of Culture, is continuing to invest in the city with a
further £100 million invested in projects this year.
Councillor Daren Hale, portfolio holder for economic investment and regeneration, said: “The city is already reaping the rewards of our investment in our cultural venues and infrastructure, with record visitors to the refurbished Ferens Art Gallery and thousands enjoying the new city centre public realm.
“Despite the council, in line with many other authorities, continuing to face significant challenges with regard to meeting ever increasing demand within a shrinking resource envelope, we continue to invest heavily in the city and the city’s infrastructure in our bid to turn Hull into a place where people aspire to live, work and study.
“Our vision is to turn Hull into a world class visitor destination.”
Since 2012 Hull City Council has supported the building of 2,950 quality new homes. It is the biggest housing-led regeneration programme in the city for generations, with 2,500 more homes planned.
This year, as part of the £100m capital investment programme, the council has built 100 new council homes and invested in the improvement of homes and neighbourhoods through our empty homes programme and frontage improvement schemes.
The council has also commenced its programme of investment into children’s homes with the delivery of three additional new homes. This is allowing more children to live locally in new and modern homes.