BY Sam Walker | Tuesday 10 October 2023

The recent part two of Hull Business – Your Future has been hailed a huge success, with over 130 businesses from the city attending The Guildhall.
The breakfast event showcased business support available to attendees, including new programmes being made available through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).
Guests went away full of knowledge on the support and grants available, however those who were unable to attend can still discover more about the available support.
The UKSPF is government-led funding which provided Hull City Council with £9,081,013 of funding for local investment by March 2025 to support businesses, build pride in place, support high quality skills training, pay, employment and productivity growth and increasing life chances in the city.
As well as offering a comprehensive business advice service, workshop programme and other business support services, there are a number of grant schemes.
Funding of up to £10,000 is available through the Hull Business Energy Efficiency Scheme, £5,000 from the General Business Support scheme, up to £2,500 through the Employment Growth scheme and up to £500 from Youth Enterprise Test Trading.
Cllr Mike Ross, Leader of Hull City Council, said: “It was a pleasure to be able to welcome and connect with so many Hull business owners at part two of Hull Business – Your Future.
“Guests were able to learn of all the support available to them, however this support is not exclusive to those businesses.
“It is fantastic that the council and partner organisations can offer various grants and support to local businesses aided through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and welcomes further enquiries.”
You can find out more by emailing or visiting the Invest Hull website here.