From | Thursday 13 May 2021
Hub to provide free and impartial support to businesses throughout Hull and East Yorkshire.

The Hull and East Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (HEY LEP) is urging businesses in the region to engage with the new-look HEY Business Growth Hub.
Picking up from the success of the Humber Business Growth Hub, which closed on 31st March, the HEY Business Growth Hub will provide free and impartial support to businesses throughout Hull and East Yorkshire.
Using its team of business advisors and comprehensive website, the Growth Hub can provide information and guidance on a wide-range of issues related to “doing business” in 2021, such as Covid-19 information, Brexit advice and understanding the ever-changing landscape of Government regulations.
The Growth Hub can also provide insight and guidance relating to national and regional economic agendas including the move to a zero-carbon economy, flood resilience and sustainable growth amongst many others.
As well as this, the Growth Hub’s advisor team can also advise on business growth and development, and offer signposting and brokering into other sources of business support and funding covering such needs as skills, exporting, innovation, new technology & systems, and much else besides.
The Growth Hub has also inherited the #GrowMySME Programme from the Humber Business Growth Hub. This programme includes specialist advisors, masterclasses and workshops, as well as grant funding, which providers tailored support to enable SMEs throughout the whole Humber region to grow, to access finance & investment, and to embrace digital technology throughout their business.
All support provided by the Growth Hub is free for all businesses.
Jon Brunton, Growth Hub Manager at the HEY LEP, said: “The HEY Growth Hub may be a brand new operation, however we already have an experienced advisor team in place and a wide-range of business support services ready to go. As we rebuild our regional economy from the impacts of Covid-19 and EU Exit the Growth Hub will play a leading role in supporting our businesses to recover and thrive as we navigate out of the most challenging period in recent history.
“The Growth Hub’s current set of services really do cater for all possible clients; from support for pre-start individuals and new-start-up businesses, through to wrap-around growth support for established business and exclusive support schemes for high-growth potential and scale-up ready firms. The Growth Hub advisor team are ready and waiting to hear from businesses anywhere in the Hull and East Yorkshire region regardless of their size, sector or maturity.”