From | Wednesday 8 January 2020
Proposals for Kings Buildings in Trinity Square given the go-ahead by Hull City Council's Planning Committee on Wednesday.

Plans to bring one of the most prominent buildings in Hull’s Old Town back into full use have been approved.
Proposals to convert the Kings Buildings in Trinity Square into apartments and a retail and leisure space were given the go-ahead by Hull City Council's Planning Committee on Wednesday.
The plans for the grade II-listed building in South Church Side would see the ground floor converted for retail, bar and restaurant, leisure and professional service use. The upper floors would be converted into 24 one and two-bedroom apartments.
Alex Codd, Hull City Council's assistant director of economic development and regeneration, said: “The Kings Building is one of the most prominent buildings in Hull’s Old Town and is at the heart of the Heritage Action Zone. This approval to bring the entirety of the building back into use.
"The conversions of the upper floors to apartments has now become possible due to the change of use consented for the ground floor.”
The property was originally two buildings built in 1866 and 1875. The four floors have been used as warehouses, shopping arcade, market, office accommodation and as the home of the “Hull Telephone Club”.
The ground floor most recently housed the Lizard Lounge nightclub until its recent closure.