BY Michael Berriman | Friday 7 August 2020

The regeneration of the historic street in Hull’s Old Town is starting to take shape.
New boards have been installed highlighting investment and funding opportunities through the Humber LEP’s Humber High Street Challenge fund.
Councillor Daren Hale, portfolio holder for regeneration and economic investment at Hull City Council, said: “The Humber High Street Challenge fund is just one of the ways we are regenerating Whitefriargate.
“We’ve already seen great confidence with a number of investors taking buildings and units on the historic street, and I’m sure many more will follow. It’s an incredibly exciting time for Whitefriargate.”
The regeneration of Whitefriargate is also benefiting from grant funding of up to £1.75m from Historic England.
The council has been successful in the first stage of bidding for capital investment from the Future High Streets Fund to diversify the traditional high street retail offer and create more vibrant town and city centres.