From | Monday 3 February 2020
Hull’s employer-led school is ranked 15th of all schools and colleges in England for the progress made by students who took their A-levels last summer.

Hull's Ron Dearing UTC has been named as one of the best schools in the country for the progress made by A-level students.
New league tables released by the Department for Education show Hull’s employer-led school is ranked 15th of all schools and colleges in England, including fee-paying independent schools, for the progress made by students who took their A-levels last summer.
Excluding independent schools, Ron Dearing UTC is ranked sixth with a student progress score of 0.72 – officially rated as “well above average”.
Ron Dearing UTC, which opened in September 2017, is also the number one-ranked school or college in Hull and the East Riding.
The scores record how much progress students made between the end of key stage 4 (GCSEs) and completion of their A-level studies, compared to similar students across England.
Principal Sarah Pashley said: “To be ranked as the top school or college in our area for value added progress at A-level and the 15th-best in the country is phenomenal and a great tribute to the students, their parents, our fantastic university and employer partners and all our talented staff.
“However, I am not a big believer in league tables. They only measure one aspect of a school or college’s educational provision – exam results. Great schools and colleges are about so much more.
“Whilst I am extremely proud of our students’ examination success, I am equally proud of the progress they made in terms of their personal and employability skills and the fact that they have gone onto exciting careers within the tech and engineering industries or to study these subjects to degree level at university."
Students who want to join Ron Dearing UTC in Year 10 next September should register by January 31 here.