From | Tuesday 14 April 2020
Three Humber Business Growth Hub schemes are helping firms deal with challenges brought on by Covid-19.

Businesses in Hull and the Humber are being urged to take advantage of support during the coronavirus outbreak.
Three Humber Business Growth Hub schemes are already helping firms deal with challenges brought on by Covid-19.
The ICT for Growth scheme has received more than 250 enquiries since Friday 13 March, the majority of which coming from companies looking for support to enable staff to work from home due to the outbreak.
Since then, 100 new applications to the scheme have been submitted, with 54 resulting in grants equating to about £140,000 in awards – and the scheme still has more than £500k of funding available.
The Finance for Growth scheme sees a team of advisors helping businesses to access Government support schemes including Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) and the Job Retention Grant Scheme.
The advisors can also help companies to access grant funding towards updating business plans and cash flow forecasts.
And the Business Growth Scheme is offering grants and one-to-one advisor support to help business mitigate the impact of Covid-19 and to help them navigate the various support measure and funding available to them. The scheme’s 12 business advisors have fielded more than 3,000 enquiries since mid-March.
The Business Growth Scheme grants can help a business to access various forms of specialist consultancy and advice to help a business put its continuity plans in place. Examples include working with an HR consultant to furlough staff and ensure job retention and working with a supply chain specialist to help mothball supply chains and stock-supply.
Councillor Daren Hale, deputy leader of Hull City Council, said: “There is no doubt that coronavirus is presenting the most challenging times most businesses will ever experience. That is why Hull City Council is urging businesses in the wider Hull area to take advantage of some of the fantastic schemes designed to help them through this difficult period.”
Access the schemes at or by emailing