From | Friday 11 June 2021
Business Engagement Board formed last year to ensure continuity in communications between the private and public sectors in the region.

The newly formed Hull and East Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (HEY LEP) has appointed the region’s Business Engagement Board (BEB) as its main private sector Advisory Partner.
This follows the creation of the LEP and the appointment of 12 new board members on 1 April.
The BEB, chaired by Thomas Martin, Chairman of Arco, was formed last year to ensure continuity in communications between the private and public sectors in the region, whilst the new HEY LEP was being formed. It also led on the recruitment of the new Chair and Deputy Chair for the LEP.
Now the HEY LEP is officially active in the region, the BEB will provide a coordinated voice for the region’s business community and will be available to be consulted by the LEP Board on economic issues affecting the private sector in the region.
It will also work alongside the LEP to bring business’s influence and views to the attention of the two Councils in the region and Government and to promote the region at national and international level.
The BEB will focus mainly on strategic business needs for the future of our region by prioritising the key business sectors in Hull and East Yorkshire, as well as any important pan-Humber activities. It will also support the LEP in its engagement with Government and in promoting the region at national and international level.
James Newman, Chair of HEY LEP, said: “I am delighted that the Business Engagement Board has agreed to work in partnership with the new HEY LEP. It has done a great job in maintaining private sector involvement during the last six months, whilst the new LEP was being formed.
“Whilst the LEP will continue to work closely with all business and sector groups as well as individual businesses and organisations in the region, by having the BEB as a strategic partner, the collective and united views of business will be readily available, enabling the LEP to take decisive action with the support of the private sector.
“The LEP looks forward to working with Thomas Martin and all members of the BEB, both as a group and as leaders representing the key economic sectors in the region.”
Thomas Martin, Chair of the Business Engagement Board, said: “Now is the time for one region and one collective voice to demonstrate that we are joined up like never before. We can mobilise our efforts as the BEB membership represents tens of thousands of jobs in the region. This means we understand the needs of business to retain, attract and develop the necessary talent throughout our region.
“Working in conjunction with the LEP will ensure we are asking the right questions and demanding the right answers of local and national Government and making us, as a region, much easier to deal with than ever before. We cannot waste the opportunity that awaits everyone in the new HEY region.”
Luke Hall, Minister of State for Regional Growth and Local Government, said: “The new Hull and East Yorkshire LEP is the beginning of a new stage of partnership between business and the public sector in the area. Under the leadership of James Newman, it will bring new thinking and ideas to the area whilst building on the successes of the Humber LEP.
“I am delighted to see that the new board reflects the area’s diverse economy and that there is equal representation for women, setting a great example for the area. I look forward to working with James and his board to forge a bright and positive future for Hull and East Yorkshire’s residents, businesses and communities.”