BY Sam Walker | Friday 15 March 2024

The findings of the public consultation for the Hull and East Yorkshire devolution proposal have been welcomed by the leaders of both councils.
Cllrs Mike Ross and Anne Handley, leaders of Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council respectively, were presented with the findings today, Thursday 14 March.
The eight-week consultation saw thousands of residents, business representatives and employees from across the region give their thoughts on the proposal, which includes the transfer of powers to allow more decision making at a local level through the formation of a Hull and East Yorkshire Combined Authority (HEYCA).
In total, almost 6,000 people shared their views during the consultation process, with 4,488 doing so through the online and paper surveys.
Fifty-three per cent of replies agreed that the devolution deal will help to address HEY’s priorities.
The consultation has demonstrated support for HEYCA, bringing benefits of connectivity and productivity to the region.
Cllr Ross said: “The councils have worked tirelessly to make sure people had the opportunity to have their say on the devolution proposal.
“I’d like to thank everyone that took part and engaged in the process. Hull City Council held a huge number of public events for residents and engaged with many local businesses too.
“In terms of response, this is one of the best returns on a consultation like it, which helps underline just how much support there is for the deal.
“We always said we would be guided by what local people think and now they’ve had their say we can make the decision based on their feedback later this month.”
Cllr Handley added: “I am very pleased that many people took the time and trouble to respond to the consultation, and of course I am personally delighted with the outcome and the sentiment expressed.
“We have said all along that we would not pursue this devolution option if residents were not behind us, and naturally I am delighted to see that we have received this support.
“I must stress that no final decision has yet been taken. We will be looking to take the final decisions on 27 March, at the next meeting of the joint leaders' board, and of course we will issue further updates on that date.”
East Riding residents made up 2,941 of the respondents, with 1,491 being from Hull.
The remainder were from other areas or did not provide a location, as well as local businesses and organisations, including targeted focus groups and stakeholder submissions.
An estimated 1,123 members of the public shared their views through the 61 public events across the region.
The most common reasons for supporting the proposals were bringing enhanced powers and decision making to the local area, as well as welcoming additional investment.
The top priority for respondents was improving local transport at 41 per cent.
In Hull, priorities were affordable housing (34 per cent) and regenerating local communities (35 per cent), whilst in the East Riding, they also prioritised business investment and growth (33 per cent) and flood prevention and improving local resilience (31 per cent).
Businesses and organisation survey responses showed that 79 per cent agreed that devolution would help to address HEY’s priorities, with 63 per cent in support of business investment and growth, 37 per cent in support of skills and training opportunities, whilst 35 per cent believed in would raise the region’s profile nationally and internationally.
The Hull and East Riding Unitary Leaders’ Board will now meet on Wednesday 27 March to decide whether to submit a final proposal to government and agree the next steps in the process.
The full report on the findings can be read here.
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