From | Wednesday 5 February 2020
Popular play park closes for £290,000 investment project, bringing a fresh look to the area and new play equipment for children.

East Park will see a new lease of life this year as Hull City Council invests more than £1 million in family facilities.
The popular play park will close today for a £290,000 investment project, bringing a fresh look to the area and new play equipment for children of all ages.
Next door, the splash pad is to receive a complete makeover. The £850,000 project will redesign the area including water jets and remove areas of standing water, as well as picnic areas for families.
A state-of-the-art water filtration system will be installed, ensuring that chemical levels are constantly monitored and in the unlikely event of an issue, would automatically switch off ensuring public safety. The system is similar to that used at the Queen Victoria Square fountains.
Work is to commence shortly and reopen for the summer holidays.
Alongside this, work on restoration of the historic splash boat continues. It is expected the newly renovated boat will arrive back on this site this month with the ride open again to the public in the spring.
Councillor Dave Craker, portfolio holder for leisure and culture, said: “East Park is one of the jewels in this city’s crown and it is incredibly important that the council invests to secure its future for generations.
“These areas are key elements of the park and starting the work now means visitors can look forward to a fantastic summer this year.”
Hull contractor Wrights Civil Engineers will begin work at the play park tomorrow and is expected to be complete in time for Easter.