BY Sam Walker | Monday 8 January 2024

A series of free social media workshops for businesses in Hull and the East Riding will start this month
Eight sessions will be held during January and February focusing on different areas of social media and how it can enhance your business.
The programme has been designed to support businesses in elevating social media use for promotion and will range from topics such as LinkedIn for Beginners, video marketing, TikTok and paid for advertising on social media.
Cllr Paul Drake-Davis, Hull City Council’s portfolio holder for economic and business regeneration, said: “Social media is a vital tool in the modern world and something which, if used correctly, can greatly enhance and support businesses.
“These workshops are a fantastic opportunity for local businesses to discover how social media can help them to promote themselves.
“This can be done completely free thanks to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund’s (UKSPF) support for this programme.”
Developed by Invest Hull – Supporting Business Growth, the programme is in partnership with Invest East Yorkshire and funded by UKSPF, with the sessions being delivered by Electrify.
The UKSPF is a government-led fund supporting high quality skills training, supporting pay, employment and productivity growth and increasing life chance.
Delivery of UKSPF locally is provided through various projects that meet the local priorities set out in Hull’s Investment Plan, agreed with Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
There will be a mixture of online webinars and in-person workshops at various sites.
You can find out more and book your place here.