BY Sam Walker | Tuesday 16 January 2024

Business and council leaders from Hull and the East Riding have come together for positive discussions on devolution.
Hull City Council leader, Mike Ross, as well as East Riding of Yorkshire Council leader, Anne Handley, attended the Hull and East Riding Business Engagement Board (BEB) yesterday, Monday 8 January.
The board is chaired by Arco chair, Thomas Martin, with other members including Dominic Gibbons (Wykeland Group MD), Anita Pace (Pace Communications MD), Tim Rix (Rix Shipping Company MD) and Hull & East Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership chair, James Newman OBE.
The specially convened meeting of the board was held to discuss the devolution proposal for Hull and East Yorkshire and saw the BEB come out in favour of what is on offer.
Cllr Ross said: “It was great to be able to discuss devolution and the proposals with the BEB.
“Jobs, skills and training are important aspects of our deal and important to the businesspeople and residents of Hull and East Yorkshire alike.
“The board members have given their backing to the proposals, which is fantastic and shows that the council has negotiated a good deal for Hull and East Yorkshire.
“They have shown their support, but it is now over to the people of the region to have their say.
“The consultation is live and we want to hear from you now.”
You can have your say online here.